The truth doesn't have to be pretty, just the truth. Being malnourished isn't always about a lack of food... Lead by example. Other peoples opinion of you is none of your business. You are only as good as your word. Be the change you seek.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

This And That

I seem to have to NO patience with other drivers or those with a shopping cart lately. Yo! Lady stuffing your face with Costco samples, you do not get to cut me off to beat me to another sample table.  I assure you that I am not getting a sample and maybe you should stop for a bib and manners before the next feeding.  What pushed me over the edge was a city bus that I watched make a right turn on red without stopping, then proceed to speed down a hill, try to come into my lane, in the very spot I was in and then blow through a school zone.  I called the city to report it all.  The lady taking the info asked me what streets we were on, I told her, even the direction the bus was going and then turned (that took 5 minutes in my head before I called.  North is usually the direction I am facing :) ) because I used the mountains as my guide. I gave her the time this happened, the route number of the bus and the bus number.  I remember all of this while driving.  She then asks me if I happened to catch the license plate number. I said are you kidding me, I was driving as all this happened, didn't write anything down because my hands were on the wheel and I gave you many ways to identify the bus and you want the license plate number? She said I guess not, huh? Good guess.  I also said that the bus cameras will be able to relay all the info I gave you and when you get to the bus with the bus number I gave you, you can get the license plate number then.  

I started my juice fast on October 1st and it has been going really well.  If you don't count the waking up at 3 am and the pounding headaches I get for the first few days.  I have been able to take it easy these past few days and having the weekend in the beginning of a fast works well for me.  I have been super tired and that is normal for me.  Pretty soon I will be bouncing off the walls with energy and the headaches will be gone.  

I made a delicious pineapple and citrus juice yesterday. I really wasn't in the mood for something green.  I wanted something bright and fruity.  This sure hit the spot, making about 64 ounces of pure health.  Nathan apparently is on a juice fast when I make juices as he 'helped' me drink this.  I love that he loves juices and will drink whatever I make. 

1 large pineapple
2 large oranges
10 mandarin oranges
3 limes
3 red apples

Each juice fast is different as you body needs different things and reacts differently.  This time my body is having me spend quality time in the bathroom.  I mean I could have read War and Peace in there these past 2 days.  One of my dogs does not like me to have privacy and loves to open the bathroom door with his head and pop in and say hi and then leave.  I have been in there so often, that I have stopped closing the door for fear of him getting a concussion with him opening the door with his head so often. LOL  

Today I had some errands to do.  I decided to stop and get a juice when we headed out this am.  I also got a wheatgrass shot. For those that have never done a wheatgrass shot, they can be bitter and are an intense flavor.  I was talking to the guy making my order and he said it is all in how you cut it and he explained that the lower stalk is sweeter and the more of color that you can get, the sweeter the shot is.  He was right. It was 'sweeter', but still a very intense flavor. I did my 2 oz shot like a trooper. I said that I had always wanted to grow wheatgrass and he offered to give me a tray next time I come in and see about selling me some seeds.  I am stoked.  I hope my juicer can juice the wheat grass.  I would love to do a wheat grass shot every day because the nutrients are equivalent to eating 8 lbs of vegetables.  


I was taking the car to be detailed and it was a 2 1/2 hour job.  We were going to walk across the street and meander around, but decided to stay there and sit at a nice table and chat, play on our phones.  And eat.  Well, Rick ate.  They have free popcorn and coffee at the car wash and Rick decided to live it up.  I got him 4 bags of popcorn, 4 coffees and 1 coke.  He got himself the Moon Pie from the vending machine for dessert.  I sat next to that popcorn maker for 2/12 hours and sipped my juice smelled them making batch after batch of popcorn.  I sat there watching the hubby snack away.  Not once did my resolve waiver.  

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