The truth doesn't have to be pretty, just the truth. Being malnourished isn't always about a lack of food... Lead by example. Other peoples opinion of you is none of your business. You are only as good as your word. Be the change you seek.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Fort Knox is a pain in the Tukus!

Good Morning all.

First day dealing with no garage door and I am not liking it one bit, not at all!  I need 2 different  keys to get into my front doors and because we hardly use that door, there is so much sand in the keyhole and it is so hard to lock and unlock.  Turning the key makes a crunching sound and you really have to put some muscle into it.  The way my luck is going I am going to break the key in the lock and be stuck outside.  I think I had better put a locksmiths number in my phone!  Then there is the gate with the lock, only on the inside btw, so locking from the outside is a @#$%^ in the tukus!  And of course today is the day when I have to come and go many times.  So if you live close and hear lots of Flock of Seagulls, scale the fence and pop in and say hi!