The truth doesn't have to be pretty, just the truth. Being malnourished isn't always about a lack of food... Lead by example. Other peoples opinion of you is none of your business. You are only as good as your word. Be the change you seek.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Come Along With Me On The Journey Of My Lifetime

I have been on the quiet side today.  Today was 3 years since 'anklegate' and everything that came with it.  I have spent the day contemplating where I was 3 years ago and where I am today.  I don't like what I see.  At all. I have also been exploring my fear of the gym.  I have a real block with it.  I am afraid I could re-injure myself, that I won't be able to do what I used to do, that I won't be as dedicated as I was and that just pisses me off.  The gym is a trigger for me now.  I miss my old gym and the success that I had there, the folks cheering me on, lending their support and an atta girl as they watched my progress.

I have (mostly) come to terms with what the Dr said when he told me that my foot is as good as it is going to get.  I had the worst injury you can get and the worst damage you could have from that injury and I refused surgery when the surgeon said I 95% need it and if I was his wife, he would recommend me having it.  I have missing bone in one toe, knitting that doesn't line up in another toe and I have had pain every single day for the past 3 years (just going away with the swimming and supplements that I am taking now)

The thing that makes all this OK is that I don't ever have to do squats again!  ;) Squats are too much of a weight bearing exercise for the foot per Dr's orders.  I hated squats, oh dear Lord I hated squats.  I was really good at them and would do genuflecting squats while carrying a 30 pound weight in each hand.  It was Catholic guilt and sweat while working out.  Ha Ha

I have had many, so many new starts, new beginnings and do overs these past 3 years. I haven't been able to find my way back to the gym rat that I loved being, the athlete I had become. The liking what I saw in the mirror, the confidence I found and exuded. Now all I see is someone who's hard work was for naught.  Who let depression steal her joy and the efforts of all her hard work.  

I have been a total shit for not keeping my end of the promise I made to Nathan,  I was doing so well and I cannot find that motivation again. It is so heartbreaking, distressing, pitiful, self loathing, self hating and all the other bad adjectives I can throw at myself. 

I am done with that.  This time has to be different. It WILL be different. I have confided in some folks and asked them to give me a year to make some major changes. I have given myself until July of 2016 to make some major changes in the way I look, act and feel. I have made plans to visit folks with the improved me.  I hate the now me and I am not taking her anywhere. I have put it out there for the universe to hear and you to help hold me accountable. I have been swimming for almost 4 moths and loved it right up until a week ago when I just got totally bored with it. I turned off my 4:15 am swim alarm and have been sleeping like a champ. That is not going to get me where I need to be though. 

I am going to turn that 4:15 alarm back on and mix it up. Some days it will be swimming.. Other days it will be the machines. Some days I will make a 2nd morning trip to the gym to do the opposite of what I did that morning. I am also going to walk for an hour at the park on the evenings that Nathan is taking his Taekwondo class. Come join me at the park if you would like,  I can't be the speedy walker or jogger/runner that I was, but I will be walking and the is progress.

I am going to be blogging a few times a week and it will be all about my journey and how I am not eating my feelings anymore. There will probably be some dog stories mixed in, pithy observations, sharing my lusting after potato chips (I have a body by Lay's), a moody post or 12, Nathan antidotes and a paragraph or 2 only sore muscles. There will also be pictures and a guaranteed swear word or 7 and guaranteed honesty, the truth doesn't have to be pretty, just the truth. The good, the bad and the ugly. 

I would love if you came along with me on this journey. I need cheerleaders and folks to kick my ass, holding me accountable.