The truth doesn't have to be pretty, just the truth. Being malnourished isn't always about a lack of food... Lead by example. Other peoples opinion of you is none of your business. You are only as good as your word. Be the change you seek.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Week Two Off To a Great Start

Here I am, having survived week one of the Gym.  I am here to report that even with missing a day at the gym, and having pizza and a DQ ice cream nutterbutter bar, and not working out this weekend, I have lost weight!  I was getting dressed for the gym this morning and I remembered that I was going to weigh myself once a week.  I was not really looking forward to this weigh in because of the cheat day and also because I ate salt last night.  Salt makes my ankles swell and I retain as much water as the Hoover Dam.  I was still a tad bloated this morning and made the Michelin Man look like a size 2.  I got my scale out, tapped it to fire it up, and then stepped on, dreading what I might find.  I did not want to be disappointed with my first weeks results, and then feel bummed all this week about it.  I stepped on, held my breath and looked down to see if this would be a good week or a beat myself up week.  It is a good week!  I lost 10.5 pounds, let me type that again.  I lost 10.5 pounds!!!  I was (and still am) very pleased with myself and the effort I put forth.  I finished getting dressed with a little pep in my step.

I drop Nathan off at the sitters and head to the gym with a very positive attitude!  I get to the gym and the parking lot is packed! I mean packed, not a parking spot to be found!  The first thought that popped into my head was that I should just go home, because if the parking lot is full, the gym will be full too.  If I was a tiny size, I would love to sashay around the very full gym, however being the full figured gal I am, I was a little intimidated  and almost talked myself into going home.  I bargained with myself to drive around the parking lot one more time for a space and if there was not one, I would go home.  I had almost completed my circle when I saw some reverse lights, stopped and put on my blinker.  I parked, gave myself a pep talk, got my stuff and headed in.  I am so glad I stayed, the gym was not packed, there were people in classes, and it was the best workout I think I have had!

I jumped on the treadmill (one opened as soon as I approached them) and got my groove on.  I walked at a 7 incline at 2.2 and 2.4 mph for 65 minutes, with my heart rate staying between 150 and 154 the entire time!  This is a HUGE improvement from just a week ago when I was walking at about flat and a 2 incline and 1 and 1.2 mph with mini hop off breaks in the 30 minute time period I walked.  I did have to stop once today,  because as I mentioned in an earlier posting, I can not walk and drink water at the same time.  I was so thirsty and so so sweaty!  I realized that even with that 10 second hop off break, it affected my treadmill mojo.  I am going to have to learn to walk and drink, I can talk and type, so how hard can this be?

Last week I added a single extra rep to each exercise, making each machine total 105 reps by the end of the week.  Well I decided that I would start this week with 110 reps on each machine and them add one each day, ending with 115 on Friday.  Come next Monday, I will stay at 115 reps and add 5 lbs more to my arm exercises and 10 more to my leg exercises.  That is the game plan, however I am going to play it by ear.  I worked my arms hard today and totally wanted to stop on this new machine I tried, and after 20 reps, I almost did.  I had another pep talk with myself and said that I was not leaving this machine until all 110 reps were done, no matter how long it took!  This machine was where you sit down and lift your arms straight in the air, one at a time with weights on a pulley type rope.  It was torture for me!  It was hard and I so wanted to not finish it!  I made a rule with myself that I must stay at the machine (any machine) until I am done and the reps have to be done in sets of 10, no if ands or butts! Yes, I can even be a bitch to  Well it took me about 8 minutes to do 115 reps, however I did it!  I was again proud of myself for sticking with it!  I normally would have made myself do 115 reps on each arm, however I did not use this machine at all last week, and it is by far the hardest for me for my arms.  I did another arm rep one and I must have been on a workout high as I did 120 reps on each arm....I just kept going and going and now I can so feel it  (am using my nose to!    So I worked out for a solid 2 1/2 hours, and worked out HARD!  I went to my last arm machine before I had to go get Nathan.  My arms were like Jello, however I was going to do this!  I set my weight and did 10 reps and my arms were just physically spent!  I told myself that I was not leaving until I did 115 reps, so I removed 10 lbs and finished it, so very glad that this was it.  My arms were shaking when I was done, and again I was proud of myself for making myself suck it up and just do it!

My sitter is not going to be able to watch Nathan for a week in June and about 10 or so days in July.  He is too old for the toddler room and too young to stay by himself, so I was wondering how I was going to solve this, as I really do not want to miss 20 or so days of working out.  Then I remembered that the gym opens at 4:30 am.  Is it possible to work out while still sleeping?  I figure that I can still get in my 2 1/2 hours and be home just in time for Hubby to leave for work.  Not my favorite option, however it is very doable and that is what I am going to do!  Call me Nike, just do it!