Today, what can I say about today? Well it was slightly better than yesterday, is that enough?
Woke up this morning and my legs were so stiff from my penguin like walking yesterday. My right ankle was still swollen and a nice compilation of purples and black and blue. My left ankle was just a tad sore, but so much better than yesterday. New development however. Not only did I twist my ankles yesterday, I apparently wretched my right knee and I woke up to a kneecap that looks like a bowl of jello and feels like it is on fire this am.
I try to get my sneakers on and I can, just not tied. I can imagine me hobbling my penguin walk and having shoelaces underfoot. My luck would be that I would trip on those laces and be in traction at the end of the day. I decide to put my death trap slippers on (what else can they do to me) and get Nathan ready for school. As I am dropping off Nathan, I ask him if he has everything he needs. Backpack, check. Jacket, check. Snack, check. Homework, check. Glasses cleaned, OH MAN! I forgot my glasses Mom! How do you forget your glasses? It seems like it would be like forgetting to wear underwear, like forgetting to put on socks, like forgetting to put on your shoes before school. I tell Nathan that I will bring them back in a little bit (after all the drop offs are completed, because it is like the Daytona 500 with crash dummies in the morning around the school). I am almost home when he calls me to remind me to bring in his glasses. Really Nathan? You forgot them, I say I will bring them back in and you are calling me 5 minutes after I just told you I would be back with them? Too bad you didn't remind yourself this morning before we left the
I get back to the school and hobble in the doors and very gingerly walk across the newly waxed floors. I know that if I fall, it will be on camera and somehow will be shown over and over again. Now showing at the next Family Movie night: Our PTO President Kelly "Do as I say, not as I say and not as I do" Evans, will be showing you the why of wearing correct footwear to school, and just how wrong it is to wear slippers. As a special feature Kelly is going to demonstrate how to Stop, Drop, and Roll in case of a fire. We do have our Nurse standing by, so please do not try this yourself. I hobble to the relative safety of the carpeted floor in the office and sit and wait for Nathan to come get his glasses. As I am sitting there minding my own business, not in the way of anything or anyone, a little person comes into the office and steps squarely onto my foot! Why a cute little child would do this to me is beyond me! Was I ever mean to you? Did I ever ask you to sit on your pockets when you would rather be racing around the lunch room. Did I ever tell you not to spray water on the person behind you at the water fountain? NO, I HAVE NOT! What vendetta is playing out here? After the buzzing in my ears stop, I hear a squeaky little voice say, "Sorry, I didn't see you there." I am thinking that maybe this child needs Nathan's glasses more than Nathan does. I say (out loud), "That's OK, accidents happen", while to myself I am saying, "How can you not see me sitting here, totally out of the way, not in the traffic path and with my foot as close to under the chair as I can manage and two steps in the office, you are standing on me?!?!?"
Nathan comes into the office and he does not look happy. He says the kids are making fun of him for not having his glasses, saying is he blind, how many fingers am I holding up, can you see me, etc! My heart just breaks for him. I hug him and tell him that sometimes kids are just mean because they are jealous that you have cool green Converse Glasses. I also tell him if someone else asks him how many fingers they are holding up to say, "Well you are in 3rd grade, you should know how many fingers you are holding up by now." That is the best I could come up with that would be appropriate for school...don't make me come to class you !@#$%^&*#$%^&_+ Flock of Seagulls!
I go head for home, making sure I have no extra sets of keys, and walk slowly to the car. I step down off the curb, right on a very pointy rock that I can feel right through my slipper!!! I am so going to bed and put my feet up until it is time to go back to get Nathan and Harley*.
I get to school later in the afternoon and load Nathan, Harley and Little G (The Principals Therapy Dog) into the car and off we are to take Little G home and then head home ourself. We roll down the windows for our two panting furry friends. We are so glad that the windows were already down because the smell in the car is worse than horrible! Harley has gas, and when Harley has gas, you need to leave the room. We couldn't leave the room as we are all stuck in the car sharing the same foul air. I look in the rearview mirror and I see Nathan trying to look in the back where the dogs are and I asked him what he was doing. He says he is looking to see if they pooped, because it smells so bad in here. Well they didn't poop, it just really stinks.
* Harley is a Sheriff Dog and a Therapy Dog. Harley's Officer was killed in the line of duty and when his family goes out of town we get to love him while he stays with us.
Woke up this morning and my legs were so stiff from my penguin like walking yesterday. My right ankle was still swollen and a nice compilation of purples and black and blue. My left ankle was just a tad sore, but so much better than yesterday. New development however. Not only did I twist my ankles yesterday, I apparently wretched my right knee and I woke up to a kneecap that looks like a bowl of jello and feels like it is on fire this am.
I try to get my sneakers on and I can, just not tied. I can imagine me hobbling my penguin walk and having shoelaces underfoot. My luck would be that I would trip on those laces and be in traction at the end of the day. I decide to put my death trap slippers on (what else can they do to me) and get Nathan ready for school. As I am dropping off Nathan, I ask him if he has everything he needs. Backpack, check. Jacket, check. Snack, check. Homework, check. Glasses cleaned, OH MAN! I forgot my glasses Mom! How do you forget your glasses? It seems like it would be like forgetting to wear underwear, like forgetting to put on socks, like forgetting to put on your shoes before school. I tell Nathan that I will bring them back in a little bit (after all the drop offs are completed, because it is like the Daytona 500 with crash dummies in the morning around the school). I am almost home when he calls me to remind me to bring in his glasses. Really Nathan? You forgot them, I say I will bring them back in and you are calling me 5 minutes after I just told you I would be back with them? Too bad you didn't remind yourself this morning before we left the
I get back to the school and hobble in the doors and very gingerly walk across the newly waxed floors. I know that if I fall, it will be on camera and somehow will be shown over and over again. Now showing at the next Family Movie night: Our PTO President Kelly "Do as I say, not as I say and not as I do" Evans, will be showing you the why of wearing correct footwear to school, and just how wrong it is to wear slippers. As a special feature Kelly is going to demonstrate how to Stop, Drop, and Roll in case of a fire. We do have our Nurse standing by, so please do not try this yourself. I hobble to the relative safety of the carpeted floor in the office and sit and wait for Nathan to come get his glasses. As I am sitting there minding my own business, not in the way of anything or anyone, a little person comes into the office and steps squarely onto my foot! Why a cute little child would do this to me is beyond me! Was I ever mean to you? Did I ever ask you to sit on your pockets when you would rather be racing around the lunch room. Did I ever tell you not to spray water on the person behind you at the water fountain? NO, I HAVE NOT! What vendetta is playing out here? After the buzzing in my ears stop, I hear a squeaky little voice say, "Sorry, I didn't see you there." I am thinking that maybe this child needs Nathan's glasses more than Nathan does. I say (out loud), "That's OK, accidents happen", while to myself I am saying, "How can you not see me sitting here, totally out of the way, not in the traffic path and with my foot as close to under the chair as I can manage and two steps in the office, you are standing on me?!?!?"
Nathan comes into the office and he does not look happy. He says the kids are making fun of him for not having his glasses, saying is he blind, how many fingers am I holding up, can you see me, etc! My heart just breaks for him. I hug him and tell him that sometimes kids are just mean because they are jealous that you have cool green Converse Glasses. I also tell him if someone else asks him how many fingers they are holding up to say, "Well you are in 3rd grade, you should know how many fingers you are holding up by now." That is the best I could come up with that would be appropriate for school...don't make me come to class you !@#$%^&*#$%^&_+ Flock of Seagulls!
I go head for home, making sure I have no extra sets of keys, and walk slowly to the car. I step down off the curb, right on a very pointy rock that I can feel right through my slipper!!! I am so going to bed and put my feet up until it is time to go back to get Nathan and Harley*.
I get to school later in the afternoon and load Nathan, Harley and Little G (The Principals Therapy Dog) into the car and off we are to take Little G home and then head home ourself. We roll down the windows for our two panting furry friends. We are so glad that the windows were already down because the smell in the car is worse than horrible! Harley has gas, and when Harley has gas, you need to leave the room. We couldn't leave the room as we are all stuck in the car sharing the same foul air. I look in the rearview mirror and I see Nathan trying to look in the back where the dogs are and I asked him what he was doing. He says he is looking to see if they pooped, because it smells so bad in here. Well they didn't poop, it just really stinks.
* Harley is a Sheriff Dog and a Therapy Dog. Harley's Officer was killed in the line of duty and when his family goes out of town we get to love him while he stays with us.